Abstract :
Numerous weeds, including Yellow Creeping Daisy (Wedelia trilobata) are sources for compost. Compost efficacy is dependent on several factors, including the source of organic matter, the dosage, the application method, and the period of the application. The purpose of this study was to compare tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill) growth and yield at various Yellow Creeping Daisy (YCD) compost doses and application times. The experiment employed a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial arrangement consisting of two factors. The treatment combinations were repeated three times. The first factor was the timing of compost application, which were two and one weeks prior to planting, and on planting day. The second factor was the dosage of compost, which was 0, 10, 20, or 30 tons/Ha. Application of YCD compost 1-2 weeks before tomato planting provided greater yield than at planting, as indicated by number of fruit, fruit diameter, and fruit weight per plant. Higher dose of YCD compost application increased the yield of tomato. Application of the compost 2 weeks before planting at 30 tons/ha resulted in the highest yield of tomato.
Keywords :
Compost, Lycopersicum Esculentum, Organic, Tomato, Wedelia TrilobataReferences :
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