Abstract :
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic, has caused numerous unprecedented changes recorded globally in all spheres of life especially in the work place. This has implications and influences on the companies and human resource management (HRM). Organizations have had to respond speedily by reviewing many operational matters and strategies so as to be able to manage the effects of the pandemic. Human resource management (HRM) plays the essential role of helping organisations navigate through both the iffy present and unpredictable future caused by the pandemic lockdown by managing people to cope with stress and to continue working, even remotely, when applicable, so that businesses can go on with their operations. This paper embraced analytical discussion of secondary data and using self-determination theory as its theoretical framework, it assessed the implication of HRM; having knowledge of the effects of autonomy, competence, and interrelatedness in their dealings with employees on sustained HRM development in the pandemic era. The aim of this research is to look into notable human resource management practices developed in the quest to accommodate and tackle the magnitude of HRM challenges faced by organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges encountered by employers and employees in imbibing them. The research recommended that HRM should help employees in their quest to develop their competences through trainings, consulting, and coaching as this will help in accomplishing the organizations’ goals and vision in the post COVID-19 pandemic era. An empirical research in this area is advocated to aid long-term HR policy.
Keywords :
COVID-19, Human Resource Management, pandemic, Self-Determination TheoryReferences :
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