Abstract :
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has triggerred a global health and economic crisis with far-reaching implications for maritime transport and trade. Restrictions imposed in response to the pandemic have caused disruptions affecting ports, shipping, and supply chains. The island of Bali, one of the provinces of Indonesia, is used as a case study of the impact of the pandemic on the local economy in a region that relies on shipping and tourism. The Indonesian government has employed large-scale social restrictions or Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) to regulate and allow people to return to their ‘normal’ activities. The first objective of this paper is to determine the impact of the PSBB on the shipping industry on the Sanur – Nusa Penida route. The second objective is to find out the level of service during the implementation of the PSBB which presents a new normal in continuing the shipping industry and its challenges. The results revealed there was a decrease in the number of passenger motorboats (PM) operating per day by 84.62%, a decrease in PM trips by 86.54%, and a decrease in the number of passengers by 96.05%. Following the satisfaction index, the overall satisfaction index for PM mode users (57.29%) can be defined as quite satisfactory (51%-65%).
Keywords :
COVID-19, Impact, Level of Service, Passenger Motorboats, PSBB, Sanur-Nusa PenidaReferences :
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