Abstract :
Lip balm is defined as a cosmetic formulation that is applied to the lips to prevent dryness of the lips and protect the lips from foreign bodies, which makes lip balms different from lipsticks. There are many plant oils that can be used in making moisturizers, including lip balm, one of which is grapeseed oil. Although less popular with the public, Balinese grape has a higher flavonoid content than other grapes. The purpose of this study was to create a lip balm product derived from Balinese grape seed oil and find the best concentration of Balinese grape seed oil to create a lip balm product. The research method used in this research is experimental. Making lip balm preparations based on Balinese grape seed oil with various concentrations of 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%. The ingredients used are Balinese grapeseed oil, lanolin, beeswax, propylene glycol and essential oils (perfume). Evaluation of lip balm preparations, namely homogeneity test, stability test carried out for three months at room temperature by observing changes in color, odor and dosage form, pH test, smear test, irritation test, and testing the ability of lip balm preparations to moisturize lips on the tested volunteers by using the preparation every day before going to bed and then measuring the moisture content of the lips every week until the fourth week using a skin analyzer. The result of this study is that grapeseed oil has the potential to be developed into cosmetic products, especially lip balm with the best concentration is 70%.
Keywords :
Bali, Balinese grape, Grapeseed oil, Herbal, Lip balmReferences :
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