Abstract :
Have you ever wondered how colours perceiving through the lens of our eyes influence our emotions or why some objects in different colours dissimilarly affect the mood we experience in our daily lives? The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between colours and stress levels of international school teenagers. The rationale behind this topic is from theGoethe’s Theory of Colours. To test whether two variables correlate, we conducted a cross-sectional survey study. Our questionnaire contains 28 questions, all of which have been approved by 4 experts. Data were collected from Mahidol University International Demonstration School (MUIDS) students who aged between 15 and 18 years old using an online survey, Google Forms. A total of 245 students participated in the study and completed the survey. To determine the correlation between colours and stress levels, we used Statistical Product and Service Solutions version 27.0 (SPSS) for data analysis. Pearson’s correlation test revealed that there is no significant correlation between colours and stress levels. Although we did not find any correlation, we suspected that there might be other possible factors such as cultures, personality and situational factors that play a significant role in developing stress. Moreover, colours also have different meanings in different cultures. Therefore, more scientific research is required to gain a better understanding of colour psychology.
Keywords :
Colours, International School Teenagers, StressReferences :
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