Abstract :
The research aims to understand the integrated risk management global adoption, especially ISO 31000 in Public Sector Organizations (PSOs). Through desk research and complemented with literature reviews taken from case studies in the G20 Countries, this study is expected to give a helicopter view about the global adoption speed of ISO 31000 as an international standard of risk management by PSOs across the world, and capture the sense of key issues and challenges related to the implementation. The findings contribute to the existing risk management implementation literature as well as a foresight for global risk leaders in PSOs to excel in their own respective risk management initiative either as a single initiative or as a part of their attempt to initiate change management. Since the sample has been purposively limited to G20 countries, consequently it does not reflect other critical factors of issues and challenges which have probably been experienced by non-G20 countries.
Keywords :
Risk Management; Public Sector Organizations; ISO 31000; Risk Leaders; Change ManagementReferences :
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