Abstract :
The development of internet technology and applications provides a good condition for establishing the scientific research management information system. Research on the influence of web-based management information systems for services development has been carried out in various organizations and in various countries. Web-based management information system is the right solution at this time. By using search and review methods, the review process began with a search engine, Google scholar and IEEE, to search for articles with keywords: “web-based management system information for services development”. The conclusion of this literature review is that there is a positive and significant influence of web-based management information systems for services development and future research will help to help organizations evaluate the quality of their web-based services, design improvements and ultimately embed their websites into future services. This study includes many cases and the research findings apply only to the web-based management information system for services development. Web-based management information systems can be used to for various organizations and in various countries.
Keywords :
Management Information, Service Development, Web-BasedReferences :
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