Abstract :
Dream imagery and frequency amongst individuals who are victims of amputation, depression, anxiety, trauma, and many mental disorders, have produced similar content results across the board of many studies. Specifics of other biological and physiological factors that contribute to such content are also examined in the data presented, along with specific case studies that have resulted in self-reported statistics that demonstrate the outcome and impact of waking-day stressors, experiences, and state/trait anxiety on sleeping individuals. Previous data has been collected on dream content recorded amongst amputees, individuals who experienced dreams while undergoing mental disorders, dreams that were supposedly induced with familiar scents, and other outside factors that contributed to the purpose of the study. Further examination of participants is proposed, along with information given on sampling methods, study techniques, and possible outcomes.
Keywords :
Circadian Rhythms; Pre-Clinical Psychology; Dream Research; Rem Sleep; Anxiety; Sleep; Dream ContentReferences :
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