Abstract :
This study aims to explore health and wellness tourism in Bali, Indonesia, as an alternative attraction for tourism. The research employs a desk research method, utilizing online data search techniques and qualitative descriptive analysis. The findings indicate that the health and wellness sector in Bali has experienced significant growth, particularly in the spa and wellness industry, which has increased by over 160% since 2003. Currently, there are approximately 390 spas in Bali, establishing it as a primary destination for wellness tourism. The diversification of health services includes medical tourism, wellness, elderly care, and research/diagnostic services. However, challenges such as a lack of integrated data and intense competition must be addressed through clear regulations and standards to enhance tourist confidence. The rising global trend in wellness tourism aligns with increasing public awareness of mental and physical health. Bali has substantial opportunities to develop health tourism by leveraging its natural resources and local culture. Recommendations include implementing quality regulations by the government, fostering collaboration among service providers, and encouraging active community participation in developing health tourism products. These measures are expected to promote sustainable growth in the health and wellness sector in Bali.
Keywords :
Health Tourism, Regulations and Standards, Spa and Wellness, Sustainable Development, Wellness Tourism.References :
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