Abstract :
Waste is a problem that is widely discussed by all groups about the management system to become useful materials and provide added value for the community around the final disposal site (TPA), [8]. Waste management is a systematic, comprehensive, and continuous activity that includes waste reduction and handling. The solution offered by the waste disposal system uses an environmentally friendly waste incinerator machine used around the campus environment to reduce piles and piles, [2]. Waste disposal using the incinerator system is waste management using a combustion system in a closed space so that the smoke pollution caused can be cleaned by filtration which is sprayed through a nozzle, [3]. Research Objectives: 1. Designing an environmentally friendly waste incinerator machine; 2. Knowing the performance of an environmentally friendly waste incinerator machine; 3. Knowing the level of cleanliness of the curve on the machine’s chimney; 4. Knowing the efficiency of the work of an environmentally friendly waste incinerator machine. Benefits of the research: 1. Application of practical technology for the community in the use of environmentally friendly waste incinerator machines; 2. Obtain specific information related to the design of an environmentally friendly waste incinerator machine. Time and Place: The research was conducted from June to November 2024. The activities were carried out at the Agricultural Power and Machinery Laboratory, Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry, University of Mataram. Research Materials and Tools: The materials needed for the research include: Waste and Tools used: Waste incinerator machine, digital vernier caliper, digital thermometer, pollution measuring instrument, etc. Research Method: Carried out in several stages, namely observation of waste destruction activities and direct data collection in the field (Experimental). Results and Discussion: Carrying out a design with a process of describing in detail the design of an environmentally friendly waste incinerator machine; Incinerator mechanical engineering construction is a construction that involves a structure that has been planned or designed specifically so that it will be made to meet the needs of the community. Incinerator is a waste recycling tool that uses a combustion method to reduce the volume of waste and turn it into ash, waste is burned at a temperature of around 850°C, the combustion process produces heat energy that can be used for other energy.
Keywords :
Design, Environmentally Friendly, Incinerator Machine, Waste Destroyer.References :
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