Abstract :
This study aims to measure the validity and reliability of the psychological scale of trust in partners in marriage. Trust is a fundamental element in interpersonal relationships that supports the emotional closeness and stability of couples, especially in long-distance relationships. Referring to Rempel’s theory (1985), this study explores three main aspects of trust: predictability, dependability, and faith. The developed measuring instrument involved 30 items and was tested on 49 married participants in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. The results of the analysis showed that out of 30 items, 20 selected items met the validity criteria with a Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.935 in the first round and 0.966 in the second round. These findings indicate that the trust in partners scale can be used as a reliable research instrument to assess trust in marital relationships. This study provides important insights into the dynamics of trust that can help individuals build and maintain healthy relationships.
Keywords :
Marriage, Trust in PartnerReferences :
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