Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the needs of students at SMK Negeri Luyo for an interactive physics learning module based on agricultural systems in Polewali Mandar. Physics learning at this school still faces several challenges, such as the lack of connection between physics material and students’ daily lives, the limited availability of contextual teaching materials, and the use of conventional teaching methods. As a result, students find it difficult to understand physics concepts because the material taught remains abstract and is not sufficiently linked to agricultural practices, which are a significant part of their lives. This study employs a descriptive method with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Data were collected through observations, teacher interviews, and questionnaires distributed to students to determine their needs for an interactive learning module. The results indicate that students require more interactive and context-based teaching materials to understand the relationship between physics concepts and their daily lives, particularly in the agricultural sector. Most students prefer learning media that incorporate interactive simulations, project-based experiments, and case studies that connect physics concepts with agricultural practices in their area. Furthermore, teachers face challenges in developing contextual teaching materials due to time constraints and limited resources. Based on these findings, the study emphasizes the necessity of developing an interactive physics learning module based on agricultural systems to enhance students’ understanding, interest, and motivation in learning. The development model used in this study is the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), which enables systematic module design tailored to the needs of students and teachers.
Keywords :
Agriculture-based physics, Contextual education, Interactive learning module, Needs analysis, SMK Negeri Luyo.References :
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