Abstract :
STEM education encompasses four main areas: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, which are important elements in the learning process of all students, especially in science and mathematics. An effective STEM education will help students better understand how things work and enhance their ability to use technology. The article presents the research results on a teaching method for the Science subject at the primary school level based on STEM education. The research focuses on designing a process for the topic “Energy” in Science. The process includes five main steps: defining objectives, establishing foundational knowledge, planning, implementation, and evaluation. This method not only helps students understand the knowledge but also encourages application through products such as a “mini movie theater.” The research demonstrates that this method is feasible, develops scientific competencies, and connects school knowledge with real life.
Keywords :
Competence of Applying Learned Knowledge and Skills, Interdisciplinary Integration, Primary School Students, STEM., Teaching Science.References :
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