Abstract :
With the increasing use of Online Targeted Advertising (OTA) on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, the phenomenon of ad avoidance has emerged due to privacy concerns and perceived ad intrusiveness. This study aims to analyze how consumer persuasion knowledge influences perceived ad intrusiveness, privacy concerns, and ad avoidance behavior, as well as the role of coping self-efficacy as a moderator. This research employs a quantitative approach using an online survey involving 500 Facebook and Instagram users. Data were collected through a Likert-scale questionnaire and analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to examine the relationships between variables. The findings indicate that OTA persuasion knowledge significantly influences ad intrusiveness and privacy concerns, ultimately increasing ad avoidance behavior. Furthermore, coping self-efficacy acts as a moderating variable that weakens the relationship between persuasion knowledge and both ad intrusiveness and privacy concerns. The study concludes that consumer awareness of online advertising strategies can heighten discomfort and ad avoidance, particularly when privacy concerns arise. Therefore, marketers need to develop more transparent and non-intrusive advertising strategies to enhance the effectiveness of online advertisements.
Keywords :
Ad Avoidance, Ad Intrusiveness, Persuasion Knowledge, Privacy Concerns.References :
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