Abstract :
The hospitality industry in Bali has great potential in line with the growth of new tourist destinations and changes in global tourism trends. This study aims to examine the theoretical and practical implications related to organizational support and employee performance in 3-star hotels in Badung, Bali. Data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 110 employees of 3-star hotels in Badung Regency, Bali. Data analysis used inferential analysis using SEM PLS. Based on the results of the study, it was found that organizational support had a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction and performance. Job stress had a significant negative effect on employee job satisfaction and performance. In addition, job satisfaction was able to partially mediate the relationship between organizational support and job stress on the resulting performance. The theoretical implications of this study contribute to equity theory and social exchange theory, which show that a reciprocal relationship between organizations and employees based on fair support will increase employee motivation and performance. Conversely, high job stress can decrease satisfaction and performance, due to an imbalance in the relationship.
Keywords :
Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, organizational support, Work StressReferences :
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