Abstract :
This study analyzes global trends and collaboration in mathematics education research during the 2014–2024 period using a bibliometric approach. The findings indicate a significant increase in the number of publications, peaking in 2020 before stabilizing in recent years. Indonesia and Malaysia have been the primary contributors, with increasing involvement from other countries such as Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. International collaboration has expanded, marked by a growing academic network and contributions from major institutions such as Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and Universitas Syiah Kuala. The study also identifies a thematic shift from traditional pedagogical approaches toward integration with STEM, technology, and international assessments such as PISA and TIMSS. Furthermore, the collaborative network among researchers reveals that certain academics, such as S. Huda and M. Broer, have had a significant influence on the research community. These findings underscore the importance of cross-national and interdisciplinary collaboration in driving innovation and enhancing the effectiveness of mathematics education globally. Thus, this research provides valuable insights for academics, policymakers, and education practitioners in developing more inclusive and sustainable strategies for mathematics education research and teaching.
Keywords :
bibliometrics, Global Collaboration, International Assessment, Islamic, Mathematics education, Research Trends, STEM.References :
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