Abstract :
The ASSURE model is a method for designing and implementing lessons developed to optimize the teaching and learning process, particularly in integrating educational technologies. This model assists teachers in creating highly flexible lessons, enabling students to acquire knowledge more effectively through the use of technology and modern teaching methods. AI Chatbots facilitate the automation of responses and support personalized learning for students, while gamification provides an engaging learning environment that helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics through the incorporation of game elements. Research findings indicate that the combination of AI Chatbots and gamification in teaching can enhance students’ learning of mathematics, while also increasing engagement and motivation. This paper approaches the ASSURE model and proposes a teaching process utilizing AI Chatbots combined with gamification in a self-regulated learning framework, aiming to guide teachers in organizing mathematics instruction in a scientific and effective manner.
Keywords :
AI Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence, ASSURE model, Gamification, Self-regulated learning, Teaching maths in primary schoolReferences :
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