Abstract :
Character education, especially in learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKN), plays an important role in shaping students’ personalities. However, students’ low self-confidence in expressing their opinions is one of the main challenges that hinders the effectiveness of learning in elementary schools. This study aims to address this problem by implementing a World Café-based learning model, which is believed to be able to increase student engagement and build their character. This model involves collaborative discussion, reflection, and in-depth problem solving, which is expected to foster students’ self-confidence in communicating. This study used a product trial in class V of SDN No. 2 Majene with an effectiveness analysis based on the achievement of learning outcome tests. The results showed that the implementation of the World Café model can increase students’ self-confidence, communication skills, and critical thinking skills. Although there are challenges in the development of non-linear self-confidence, the use of strategies such as peer mentoring and variations in discussion topics managed to overcome these obstacles. Overall, this model has proven effective in supporting more inclusive and transformative learning in PPKN classes.
Keywords :
Self Confidence, World CaféReferences :
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