Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality and the convenience of telemedicine on patient trust and its impact on the satisfaction of elderly patients at Siloam Hospital Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya. The research employs a quantitative method with an associative approach. The population in this study consists of all elderly patients treated at Siloam Hospital Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya from January to September 2024, totaling 859 patients. A sample of 136 elderly patients was used. The analytical method applied is the SEM using SmartPLS (Partial Least Square). The findings indicate that service quality affects patient trust, telemedicine affects patient trust, service quality affects patient satisfaction, and telemedicine affects patient satisfaction, trust influences patient satisfaction, service quality mediated by trust influences patient satisfaction, and telemedicine mediated by trust influences the satisfaction of elderly patients at Siloam Hospital Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya.
Keywords :
hospital, Satisfaction., Service Quality, Telemedicine., TrustReferences :
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