Abstract :
The concept of degrowth has been developed recently as an alternative paradigm to continuous and unlimited growth which prevails nowadays. The degrowth of tourism industry has been proposed in overcrowded tourism destinations balancing the satisfaction of tourists and local residents with the sustainability of the natural ecosystems. The island of Crete, Greece is located in eastern Mediterranean basin hosting an increasing number of visitors every year. The tourism industry in the island is well developed having a high economic impact. The prosperous tourism industry in Crete has surpassed the carrying capacity of the island threatening its fragile ecosystems causing phenomena of overtourism with undesired and harmful impacts in the local societies. The degrowth of the local tourism industry can be conceived as an alternative paradigm of the current growth model of tourism which threatens its long-term sustainability. It rejects the current model of continuous and unlimited growth of tourism promoting the values of locality, development of small-scale enterprises, quality of life, environmental sustainability, reduction of carbon emissions, decommodification of tourism activities and smaller production and consumption. The adoption of tourism degrowth in Crete requires the mobilization and the active participation of the multiple stakeholders of the tourism industry in the island while it promotes their long-term interests which are currently threatened by overtourism, climate crisis and overconsumption of the limited natural resources.
Keywords :
carrying capacity, Crete-Greece, degrowth, sustainability., TourismReferences :
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