Abstract :
This study investigated senior high school science teachers’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills in alternative assessment within the Philippine context. A descriptive-quantitative research design was employed to gather data from 60 senior high school science teachers. The findings reveal that the teachers generally possess a high level of knowledge and skills in using alternative assessment methods. They hold positive attitudes towards alternative assessment, recognizing its benefits in improving student learning and assessment effectiveness. Some reservations exist, such as time consumption and difficulty in grading. The study also found no significant differences in teachers’ knowledge and attitudes based on current location in teaching, age, highest degree, and years of teaching experience. In contrast, teachers who received in-service training on alternative assessment demonstrated a significantly higher level of knowledge compared to those who did not. These findings highlight the potential of alternative assessment in senior high school science education. The need for ongoing professional development and support to enhance teachers’ knowledge and skills in effectively implementing these methods is crucial. To strengthen the positive attitudes and knowledge base identified in this study, it is recommended that senior high school science teachers be provided with professional development opportunities focused on alternative assessment methods. Additionally, resources and materials should be developed to support them in designing, implementing, and evaluating these assessments. By integrating alternative assessment practices into the curriculum and teacher training programs, we can ensure these effective methods become a mainstay in senior high school science education. Further research into the effectiveness of various alternative assessment methods would provide valuable insights for continual improvement.
Keywords :
In-Service Training, positive outlook, practices, Professional Development, science educationReferences :
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