Abstract :
This study explores the use of online grammar learning strategies among Indonesian EFL students participating in Open and Distance Learning (ODL). Using quantitative methods, the research examines the correlation between students’ self-reported grammar learning strategies and their English grammar proficiency. Data were collected from students enrolled in online grammar courses at the University of Borneo Tarakan, utilizing both surveys and online grammar tests. The results reveal a complex relationship between learning strategies and grammar proficiency. Cognitive strategies demonstrate a positive correlation with proficiency, while other strategies, such as memory, compensation, metacognitive, affective, and social strategies, exhibit mixed or weak predictive capabilities. The findings highlight the multifaceted nature of grammar learning, suggesting that no single strategy guarantees improved proficiency. The study stresses the importance of tailoring language learning approaches to individual learner traits and contextual factors in ODL environments. Limitations of the study include the specific sample population, reliance on self-reported data, and the correlational nature of the research, which calls for careful interpretation. Overall, the research provides valuable insights into optimizing grammar instruction in online settings, emphasizing the need for further investigation into effective grammar learning strategies in ODL contexts.
Keywords :
EFL, Grammar Proficiency, ODL, Online Grammar Learning StrategiesReferences :
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