Abstract :
Now Gen Z is entering the nursing programs. It is known that communication is essential in the nursing profession, and it is the foundation of the relationship between the nurse and patient The study aimed to determine the communication skills of Gen Z nursing students in establishing nurse-patient relationships. The study used a descriptive, cross-sectional research design. The participants of the study were five hundred seventy (N = 570) Gen Z nursing students from HEIs in the province of Batangas, Philippines, and one hundred twenty-eight (N = 128) clinical instructors directly supervising them during their RLEs. A two-part researcher-structured questionnaire was the tool for data collection. The tool consisted of 10 critical indicators for determining the communication skills of nursing students, such as active listening, compassion, cultural awareness, nonverbal communication, patient education, personal connection, presentation skills, trust, verbal communication, and written communication skills, and four standards of nurse-patient relationships, indicated in the Nurses Association of New Brunswick (2020). Mean and independent t-test were used for data analysis. Results revealed that Gen Z excels at navigating digital technology, accepts individual differences, and has a sense of independence. Gen Z are respectful, transparent, diverse, and collaborative future healthcare practitioners. Gen Z nursing students asserted possessing very effective communication skills, whereas their clinical instructors rated them as only effective in establishing nurse-patient relationships. There were discernible variations in the assessments of communication skills and the effectiveness of establishing nurse-patient relationships between Gen Z nursing students and their clinical instructors. The study recommended that nursing programs should capitalize on Gen Z strengths by integrating technology-enhanced tools and platforms, optimize the achievement of learning outcomes by aligning clinical teaching strategies with the distinct learning styles of Gen Z nursing students, and incorporate training programs focused on improving advocacy skills, recognizing boundaries, and terminating nurse-patient relationships.
Keywords :
Communication Skills, Generation Z (GenZ), Nurse-Patient Relationships, Nursing, Nursing studentsReferences :
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