Abstract :
This research was conducted to develop the school’s business through external analysis, which involves understanding the external factors affecting the educational environment and using that understanding to create an effective strategic plan. Using the PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) framework, the research identified opportunities and threats that impact the strategic management and sustainability of the institution. A descriptive qualitative approach was used to collect data through interviews, observations, and document review. The findings indicate significant opportunities such as supportive government policies such as the One Village One PAUD initiative, Merdeka Curiculume, BOP, technological advances and community engagement. However, the study also highlights critical threats, including economic instability, regulatory inconsistencies, and technology gaps in underserved areas. Social factors, such as low community awareness and cultural challenges, further complicate agencies’ efforts to increase participation. The research concludes that a strategic and adaptive approach that aligns national policies with local needs, leverages technology, and encourages community collaboration is critical to overcoming these challenges. The research provides actionable insights for practitioners and policymakers to improve the quality, accessibility, and sustainability of early childhood education in Indonesia.
Keywords :
External Enviormental Factors, PEST Analysis, Strategic ManagementReferences :
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