Abstract :
The current work is a systematic review paper that examines the function and significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in teacher education. The researcher gathered almost fifty articles from various platforms, including Google Scholar, Science Direct, Research Gate, and others, on AI and teacher education. Additionally, those publications’ analysis reveals a few key areas and their significance for teacher preparation. By delivering tailored learning experiences, improving instructional strategies, and providing data-driven insights etc. After collecting the article from the above sources, the investigator analyzed all the article on four major points e.g. AI and digital learning, AI and Teacher Education, AI and pedagogical leaning, AI and challenges in teaching learning process systematically, where the investigator found few points and analyzed vividly, at the end the view concern to the Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to completely transform Teacher Education. But in order to fully enjoy these advantages, the ethical, equitable, and preparedness issues around AI must be resolved.
Keywords :
Artificial Intelligence, Challenges, Digital learning, Teacher education.References :
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