Abstract :
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi, Tbk. (Mitratel) aims to foster strong collaboration within the organization. High employee engagement is essential for achieving this goal. However, recent internal surveys indicate a decline in employee engagement, potentially linked to leadership style and organizational culture. These factors, as supported by prior research, significantly impact employee engagement and should be addressed to improve overall organizational performance.
This research aims to examine the correlation and relationship between leadership style, organizational culture, and employee engagement as outcomes at Mitratel. The correlations will be linked to determine whether there is a relationship with the overall organizational performance level.
This quantitative study uses surveys to gather data and PLS analysis to examine the relationships between variables, even with moderate sample sizes and non-normal data.
This study found that both leadership style and organizational culture positively impact employee engagement, with organizational culture having a more significant influence. Higher levels of both factors lead to higher employee engagement.
In summary, the study confirms that a leadership style and the organizational culture have a significant impact on employees’ engagement in an organizational such as a telecommunication company like Mitratel.
Keywords :
Employee Engagement, Leadership Style, Organizational CultureReferences :
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