Abstract :
This study aims to evaluate and analyze the development of online Seafarer Book services at the Port Authority and Syahbandar Class III Gorontalo Office, focusing on various aspects of public service theory indicators such as tangibles, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study design, focusing on implementing the online Seafarer Book service. Data is collected through interviews, observations, and document reviews from various stakeholders involved in providing services. The findings show that the online Sailor Book service has improved service efficiency but faces challenges regarding system reliability, user education, and infrastructure support. The study identifies key areas for improvement, including improving the reliability of online systems, better training for users in using the system and improving the physical and technical infrastructure to support services. The study concluded that while online Seafarer’s Book services have the potential to significantly improve seafarers’ documentation processes, ongoing improvements and adjustments are needed to address the challenges identified. Improving system reliability and user support is critical to the success of the online service model.
Keywords :
Online Seafarer Book, Online Service Effectiveness, Port Authority, Public Service.References :
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