Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of environmentally friendly brand image, satisfaction, trust, on loyalty moderated by environmental ethics towards green products in Indonesia. The research sample in this study were consumers who used and purchased Aqua gallons in 2024. This research method uses a quantitative approach with data collection techniques through questionnaires distributed to Aqua gallon users in Indonesia. The theoretical framework is built based on the latest literature review on environmentally friendly brand image, satisfaction, trust, loyalty, and environmental ethics on green products in Indonesia. The results of this study are expected to provide new insights into the effect of environmentally friendly brand image, satisfaction, trust, on loyalty moderated by environmental ethics towards green products in Indonesia. The practical implications of this study can help marketers and policy makers in designing effective communication strategies to increase purchases of green products in Indonesia.
Keywords :
Environmental Ethics, Green Brand Image, Loyalty, Satisfaction., TrustReferences :
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