Abstract :
Leadership ethics are a fundamental component in creating harmony and organizational success. The Hindu perspective through the concepts of Tri Hita Karana (THK) and Hastabrata provides a unique view in forming an ideal leader. THK focuses on harmony between humans and God (Parahyangan), fellow humans (Pawongan), and the environment (Palemahan), while Hastabrata offers eight leadership characteristics inspired by natural elements. This article discusses the relevance of these two concepts in modern leadership, using a descriptive-qualitative approach based on literature studies. The results of the study indicate that the application of THK and Hastabrata values is not only relevant in the context of local culture but also provides ethical insight for global leaders. With good integration, these two concepts are able to create leaders who are not only ethical but also visionary and innovative, relevant to the needs of today’s organizations.
Keywords :
Hastabrata, Leadership Ethics, Tri Hita KaranaReferences :
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