Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyse and describe the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City with a focus on (1) goal achievement, (2) integration, and (3) adaptation. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentary. Data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that (1) the achievement of goals in the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as student domicile data that is not always accurate in the system, and community dissatisfaction (parents and prospective students) with online PPDB services. (2) Integration in online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as limited training for school operators and teachers, lack of public understanding, especially parents of students about zoning rules, and technical problems with network infrastructure capacity that still needs to be improved. (3) Adaptation to online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles in the form of unstable school internet accessibility. Suggestions to improve the success of zoning-based online PPDB services in Gorontalo City include strengthening student domicile data validation, improving operator and teacher training, socialising zoning rules to parents more effectively, and increasing network infrastructure capacity.
Keywords :
Effectiveness, New Student Admission, service, Zoning SystemReferences :
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