Abstract :
This research entitled “Linguistic Landscape of Tourism Destinations in Gianyar, Bali”. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing landscape dynamics in tourism destinations in Bali, specifically in Gianyar regency. It focuses to map or categorize LL dynamic and also analyzing the pattern construction of Linguistic Landscape (LL) found in those destinations. The method applied for this research is a non-participatory observation method, using image capture technique, note-taking technique and literature study. The theory applied in this research is Linguistic Landscape (LL) from Landry and Bourhis (1997)
The research found 404 outdoor signs of Linguistic Landscape in tourism destinations of Gianyar Bali. The findings included into five categorizations, they are (1) nature, (2) culture, (3) village, (4) museum, (5) manmade attraction. The pattern construction of Linguistic Landscape found in those tourism destinations are topdown and bottom-up. The top-down pattern can be found in three categories, they are village, culture and museum. In the other hand, the bottom-up pattern can be found in all categories of LL of tourism destination in Gianyar Bali. Nature and man-made category share equal number of bottom-up pattern and the least is village category. The top-down pattern shows that village category reached the highest percentage number of outdoor signs found among the three categories, and the least showed by culture category.
Keywords :
Bali, Category, Gianyar., linguistic landscape, Pattern, Tourism DestinationReferences :
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