Abstract :
This research aims to develop a web-based information system for BIKINBIKIN Creative Hub in Nipah Park, Makassar, related to information access and service management through digital transformation. The designed system provides relevant information and facilitates the reservation process for visitors. The method used is Personal Extreme Programming (PXP), which supports flexible and adaptive development. The results show that the system is equipped with interactive features that present information informatively about services and facilities. Testing was conducted through two stages: first, backbox testing that assesses internal quality resulting in 100% of features functioning according to specifications; second, ISO 25010 testing that assesses external quality, with results of 90% functional suitability, 90.3% usability, optimal performance efficiency, and good portability in various browsers. From these results it can be concluded that the information system developed has met the expected criteria. However, the management of BIKINBIKIN Creative Hub needs to improve operational service management through informative content strategies and the presence of friendly receptionists to increase visitor engagement and satisfaction.
Keywords :
Coworking Space, Information System, Personal Extreme Programming (PXP).References :
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