Abstract :
The importance of learning foreign languages has reached new dimensions in today’s globalized world. Foreign language skills have become a fundamental requirement for successful international communication and interaction. Europe, as part of these global developments, aims to establish itself as a unified economic, cultural, and linguistic entity. Therefore, a united Europe places significant emphasis on promoting foreign language education, based on new pedagogical principles and the best global and European practices, implemented through various reform projects. The goal is to improve citizens’ language proficiency and strengthen intercultural communication.
In particular, Albania has recognized the importance of foreign language education since the 1990s and acknowledged the need to reform curricula to equip Albanian citizens with the best European qualifications. These reforms aim to modernize foreign language education and adapt it to current needs and standards. Moreover, they promote Albania’s European integration and strengthen national identity within the European context by educating students to be open-minded and culturally competent citizens. This significantly contributes to the social and economic development of the country. Our article will examine how these goals have been achieved and what the curriculum reforms specifically entail.
Keywords :
Challenges, Curriculum, foreign language, reform, solutions.References :
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