Abstract :
This research explores the conditions and conservation efforts of Wayang Timplong in Nganjuk district. Despite its high cultural value, the Timplong style is less in demand than the leather style. The research mapped Wayang Timplong ‘s existence, identified the problems faced, and suggested conservation strategies. Interviews with three of them showed that the lack of innovation and support is a major challenge. Educational and promotional efforts are needed to attract the interest of the younger generation and ensure the sustainability of the Wayang Timplong in the future. In addition, the study also aims to identify concrete steps that can be taken by governments, cultural communities, and the general public in support of Wayang Timplong conservation efforts. With a holistic approach that includes education, training, and the use of modern technology, Wayang Timplong is expected to return to the demand of the wider public, especially the younger generation. The findings of this research are expected to make a significant contribution to the strategy of preserving traditional cultural art in Indonesia, as well as to form the basis for more effective policy adoption in support of the sustainability of Wayang Timplong and other traditional performing arts.
Keywords :
Nganjuk District., Preservation, Wayang TimplongReferences :
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