Abstract :
This research entitled “Linguistics Landscape of Batu Bulan Village Area, Gianyar”. This research was conducted with the aims at analyzing landscape dynamics in Batu Bulan village, Gianyar and also analyzing the language usage of the LL. The method applied for this research is a non-participatory observation method, using image capture technique, note-taking technique and literature study. The theory applied in this research is Linguistic Landscape (LL) from Landry and Bourhis (1997).
The research found that 421 outdoor signs of Linguistic Landscapes found in Batu Bulan village includes various classification, such as art galleries, banks and money exchange places, health services, hotels/accommodation, legal offices, supermarkets/minimarkets/cellphone shops, restaurants/cafes/dining places, spas, salons, studios, other services, non-commercial signs, street signs and names, temples, furniture, stone carvings and laundry. The language used in Linguistic Landscape of Batu Bulan village can be found in the form of the usage of Balinese, Indonesian, English, a combination of English and others and universal symbols (traffic signs). The dominant use of language in the linguistic landscape is the use of Indonesian; there were found 254 units, followed by the use of English of 86 units, Balinese language of 45 units, the combination of English, Indonesian, Balinese and other usage is 27 units. The traffic signs are the fewest outdoor signs found in this village.
Keywords :
Batu Bulan, Gianyar., linguistic landscape, Outdoor signsReferences :
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