Abstract :
This study examines the declining profitability of Majafresh Indo Green Farm, a leading hydroponic farming company in Majalengka, Indonesia. Using qualitative methods, the research identifies key issues, including a focus on operational repairs and insufficient marketing efforts, which have resulted in underutilized production capacity.
The study addresses these challenges using analytical tools such as SWOT, IE Matrix, and TOWS Matrix. These tools reveal strengths like expertise in hydroponic farming and sustainable practices and areas for improvement, such as limited marketing capabilities and reliance on a few large clients. Opportunities include government support, health-conscious market trends, and technological advancements, while threats involve rising costs and increased competition.
The proposed strategies focus on leveraging strengths in quality control and sustainability. These include diversifying the customer base, enhancing market penetration, and expanding product offerings through agri-tourism and educational programs. By adopting advanced technologies and securing government incentives, Majafresh can improve operational efficiency, broaden its market, and achieve sustainable growth.
This case study provides valuable insights for stakeholders in the sustainable agriculture sector.
Keywords :
IE Matrix, Strategic Management, SWOT, TOWSReferences :
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