Abstract :
Background: This study aims to determine the differences in growth patterns of babies aged 0-6 months with a history of Low Birth Weight (LBW) and Normal Birth Weight (NBW) at the Kendari City Regional General Hospital.
Method: This type of research is observational research with a retrospective cohort research design. The sample in this study was 72 newborn babies who were divided into 2 groups, namely LBW and LBW babies. Data analysis uses non-parametric tests, namely the Maan Withney test.
Results: The results of this study stated that the growth pattern of babies aged 0-6 months with a history of low birth weight in Kendari city hospitals was mostly in the normal category. The growth pattern of babies aged 0-6 months with a history of normal birth weight at Kendari City Hospital is mostly in the normal category.
Conclusion: There is a difference in the growth pattern of LBW and LBW babies (p=0.001). There is a difference in the time to achieve normal growth. The median time to achieve normal growth for LBW babies is 5 months, while for LBW babies it is 1 month.
Keywords :
Infant Growth, Low Birth Weight, Normal Birth WeightReferences :
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