Abstract :
This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a strategy to optimize the intermediary role of zakat at BAZNAS West Java. The background of the study stems from the suboptimal realization of zakat collection despite its significant potential. This indicates a low optimization of zakat collection and an ineffective distribution role of zakat. Overall, the intermediary role of zakat has not been optimized. Various factors contribute to this, including the adaptation and implementation of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) strategy. There are numerous challenges in implementing the BMC strategy at BAZNAS West Java. The research method used is a survey method with a descriptive analysis approach. The survey was conducted at BAZNAS West Java. Data collection techniques include documentation and interviews. The results of this study are expected to serve as a reference for zakat institutions regarding strategies to optimize the intermediary role of zakat through the adaptation and implementation of the BMC strategy. The study’s findings can demonstrate that the implementation of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a strategy can optimize the intermediary role of zakat at BAZNAS West Java.
Keywords :
Business Model Canvas, Intermediary Zakat, Zakat.References :
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