Abstract :
Technological advances have brought updates to business processes and banking services in Indonesia, namely the birth of banks that provide digital-based services to customers or called Digital Banks. The development of this digital banking ecosystem is supported by the economic conditions that have recovered after COVID pandemic ended. Digital transformation has certainly encouraged the emergence of several Digital Banks that have become Game Changers in the financial services business by offering convenience in digital products and services. A number of Digital Banks have succeeded in becoming public companies, recording credit growth, managing the non-performing loan ratio, increasing the growth of third-party funds, especially for online savings products through the digital banking products offered, and increasing the profitability ratio. Objective of this research is to determine the effect of Loan disbursement, NPL and CASA (Current Account-Saving Account) Ratio on the Profitability of Digital Bank that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2024 research year. The population data used is go-public Digital Bank and the sample is Digital Banks that are included in the Bank Group category based on Core Capital 1 and 2. Secondary data that used in this research are quarterly and annual bank report which are available on websites of Indonesian Stock Exchange and Financial Services Authority.
Keywords :
CASA, Digital Bank, Loan, Non Performing Loan, ROAReferences :
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