Abstract :
The research entitled Lexicon Variation on Traditional Weaving is a qualitative research focusses on the analysis of the semantic function of the lexicon process. The focus of the analysis is formulated on two problems (1) types of lexicons weaving and (2) function and meaning of lexicon weaving. Observation and interview methods are applied for the data collection. Observation method is realized with interviewing the weavers when they do weave activity in the workshop. At the same time the owner of the weaving industry who is as the key informant is also interviewed. Unstructured deep interviewed was done for several weavers and the key informants. Theories on semantics from Leech (1981) and Lobner (2013) are applied for analysing the function and meaning of lexicons found in traditional weaving. It was found 100 of lexicons which were classified into 3 types. The dominant number of lexicons belong to the lexicon equipment which is followed apparently by lexicons for material and lexicons process. The semantic function of the lexicons in accordance with its classification is dominated by the lexicon process.
Keywords :
functions, Lexicon, Meaning, type, weaving.References :
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