Abstract :
This research examines the academic enhancement programs in the seven business programs conducted under the STREAM. Results indicate a statistically significant positive relationship between post-test performance and success in professional courses through the representation of χ² = 4.1670 (p = 0.0421). Overall, programs successfully resulted in volunteer students passing their professional courses by 84.73%, whereas post-test success reached 75.86%. Although the connection between post-test and professional outcomes was modestly strong (Phi Coefficient = 0.1051), it is established that reasonable passing rates in both tests indicate that these targeted interventions have done the job by building on essential business competencies, such as critical thinking, academic integrity, and data analysis skills. Recommendations include replication of best practices for the most successful program implementations, student monitoring, personalized support, and continuous expansion of the scope of enhancement offerings in response to emergent business education needs. The findings underscore the significance of these programs, which provide a lifelong trajectory of academic and professional development for business students.
Keywords :
Business students, Chi-square, Enhancement program, Phi-coefficient, UNSDG no. 4References :
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