Abstract :
21st century learning is student-centered learning that emphasizes improving creative thinking skills. This study was conducted with the aim of examining the relationship between ethnoscience and creative thinking skills in supporting the learning process in the 21st century for high school students in West Sulawesi. Based on a comprehensive literature review, this study identifies and analyzes the contribution of ethnoscience to the development of creative thinking skills that are important in the context of modern education. The results of the study obtained indicate that the integration of ethnoscience into the curriculum can improve students’ creative thinking skills by linking the relationship between local knowledge and modern science. This approach allows students to better understand scientific concepts through their own cultural context, which in turn increases their engagement with and understanding of the subject matter. This study suggests that educators and policymakers in West Sulawesi consider the application of ethnoscience in teaching strategies to create a more effective and meaningful learning environment.
Keywords :
21st century learning, Creative Thinking, ethnoscience.References :
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