Abstract :
This study explores the incorporation of listening skills into language courses, reflecting the increasing demand for effective listening approaches that aid in language understanding in real-world situations. The study questions primarily focus on evolution, effective integration methods, assessment approaches, and the role of technology in incorporating listening into curriculum across varied educational contexts. This current study conducted a rigorous literature analysis and aggregated data from 100 empirical research on L2 listening, using stringent standards to identify recent achievements and gaps in the field. Data analysis used deductive text analysis to categorize methods based on efficacy, technology integration, and active learning. Key studies show that task-based learning and the incorporation of multimodal technology, such as podcasts and mobile apps, substantially enhance listening comprehension by providing immersive and interactive learning environments. These methods directly address the research questions, demonstrating that active, contextual listening activities promote profound engagement and retention. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the significance of multimedia and task-based methods, with implications for more inclusive, accessible curriculum design. Future research should focus on low-tech strategies to provide fair access to listening resources worldwide.
Keywords :
Assessment approaches, Evolution, Integration methods, Listening Skills, Multimedia technology.References :
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