Abstract :
Long tail macac (Macac fascicularis) and black langur (Trachypitecus auratus) are two species of primates protected by law. The conservation status of both is listed as vulnerable in the IUCN and appendix II status in CITES. The very sharp population decline in the monkey population is due to declining habitat quality and poaching. The STIK educational forest is a secondary forest, which is disturbed by illegal logging and forest fires. The vegetation that forms the habitat for the lives of kedih and black langur primates in this area is not yet known. There is no data on primates from the kedih and langur groups in the STIK Jantho educational forest. This is the reason why this research is important to be conducted. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on monkeyand black langurs including the number of groups, the number of species, age structure and sex ratio in the STIK Jantho educational forest. Data collection in this study used the transex path method by recording the number of groups, the number of individuals, age structure and sex ratio. Data analysis using Arch GIS 10.1 to determine the distribution of monkey and black langur by plotting each coordinate obtained, using GPS visualized in the form of a map. Determination of the density of kedih and black langur using the formula: P = D x A. Found 2 types of primate animals (Trachypitecus auratus and Macaca fascicularis), each 1 group. The number of Trachyipitecus auratus individuals 10 individuals and Macaca fascicularis 50 individuals. Both species of primate animals are included in the developing age structure and have a complete composition (adult males and females, infant and juveneel. The results are presented in the form of a distribution map of black langur groups, and the population density of kedih and black langur primates, narrated in the form of a research reporthis document.
Keywords :
Black langur, conservation, Forest Education, VegetationReferences :
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