Abstract :
This research analyzes the factors that influence market orientation in the retail industry, especially supermarkets in Batam City. People tend to want convenience and comfort in shopping, leading to a preference for supermarkets that are clean and modern and provide a variety of products. Batam, as a strategic industrial city, has tight retail competition with the development of minimarkets such as Indomaret and Alfamart. The research used a quantitative method with a questionnaire distributed to 266 respondents, measuring variables such as price, brand loyalty, product quality, service quality, stock, social media marketing, and market orientation. The research results show that price and stock have a significant influence on market orientation, while brand loyalty, service quality and social media marketing have varying influences. Product quality has a significant effect on social media marketing, but social media marketing is not significant on market orientation. The limitation of this research lies in the limited variable focus. It is recommended that further research add variables such as customer satisfaction, purchase intention, and consumer decision to expand understanding of the factors that influence market orientation.
Keywords :
Brand Quality, Market Orientation, Product Quality, Social Media Marketing, StockReferences :
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