Abstract :
Modifying a couple of method can cover their weaknesses each other. This current research aims to intently find out if there is a significant improvement in students’ writing achievement after the students are taught through PLEASE strategy based on Product approach. This is a quasi-experimental research design that conducts a quantitative method. The students were gave writing tests, namely pre-test and post-test. There are 23 students in a class. The students are given treatments with the strategy namely PLEASE based on an approach namely product approach (PSBPA). The data are statistically analyzed through paired sample t-test in SPSS version 22 to obtain the findings. The finding shows that there is a significant improvement in students’ writing achievement after the students are taught through PLEASE strategy based on Product approach. The score of post-test (73.46) is higher than pre-test (56.91). The t-value, which is 14.071 is higher than the t-table, which is 2.074 with the sig (2-tailed) is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05. It is suggested for teachers to apply this new strategy at class, because it can boost the students’ writing ability, especially in descriptive text. Teacher should integrate PLEASE strategy in teaching writing for other text types and use model texts to guide writing tasks. And for further researchers should explore the strategy’s impact on different age groups or other types of writing.
Keywords :
Descriptive Text, PLEASE strategy, Product approach, Stage, Writing AchievementReferences :
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