Abstract :
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of vocational high schools by developing and applying a comprehensive assessment instrument. The focus was on the actual processes occurring within these institutions, rather than solely relying on document-based evaluations. By analyzing factors affecting school performance, constructing a valid instrument, and conducting a thorough evaluation, the study found that the investigated vocational high schools demonstrated satisfactory performance in general management and academic management. Most of the evaluations of education, training and performance carried out in vocational high schools focus on documents or passive data, rather than on the processes taking place in the secondary schools themselves. Recognizing the need to study precisely these processes, this study focuses on the performance evaluation of secondary schools. The study begins with the identification of constructs and the development of instruments to assess the performance of vocational high schools. Based on the problems found in the field, before conducting the evaluation, the researcher must first develop the evaluation tool through three stages of development. The first one is to analyze the concepts related to evaluation by examining the factors affecting the performance of vocational high schools. In the second, instrument development and instrument analysis (content validation of selected criteria) are conducted with the help of experts. The third one, entailed a rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of vocational secondary schools. Based on the evaluation findings, the investigated vocational high schools demonstrated commendable performance in both general management and academic management.
Keywords :
Evaluation, secondary school performance, VET assessment models, vocational high schools.References :
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