Abstract :
The comprehensive analysis presented in this article examines the potential positive effects of complete ECVET implementation in Bulgaria, aligning with the European guidelines established by CEDEFOP. By focusing on a diverse range of topics, the report offers valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to enhance the quality and relevance of VET in Bulgaria. Despite the potential benefits of ECVET, its implementation in Bulgarian vocational education has not yet been realized and lacks a comprehensive credit system for credit exchange within both secondary and higher vocational education. Consequently, the development of an effective ECVET implementation system, including a robust assessment framework, remains an ongoing challenge. ECVET is poised to support learners in Bulgaria across several key dimensions. Its ability to foster adaptability, practical skill acquisition, and alternative learning strategies equip learners with the competencies necessary to thrive in today’s dynamic job market. Moreover, ECVET promotes the development of organizational skills, facilitates informed career choices, and accelerates professional implementation. The successful implementation of ECVET necessitates a concerted effort from various stakeholders, including VET institutions, employers, and learners. By embracing ECVET, Bulgaria can significantly improve the quality and relevance of its VET systems, better prepare learners for the workforce, and stimulate economic growth. Ultimately, ECVET contributes to learners’ personal satisfaction, self-esteem, and shorter paths to the labor market. These benefits underscore the transformative potential of ECVET in enhancing the educational experience and career prospects of learners in Bulgaria.
Keywords :
Bulgarian VET, ECVET implementation, VET quality.References :
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