Abstract :
PT Bank Laju International Tbk (the Bank) has struggled with its increased foreclosed assets, particularly those originating from mortgage loans, which could affect its financial health. The research assessed Bank’s financial health using Risk Based Bank Rating (RBBR) framework by analysing key financial ratios and investigating the root causes of rising foreclosed assets through Fishbone and Pareto analysis. Key factors include customer income instability, slow progress in selling foreclosed assets, and lack of insurance protection during economic downturns. To select effective strategies for managing foreclosed assets, the research utilized Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making method, to evaluate multiple alternatives based on various criteria, which were derived from Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with Bank’s officers, who directly involved in mortgage loans and foreclosed assets activities, also reference with Bank’s SWOT analysis. The research evaluated three alternatives strategy:
- Protection Insurance for Customer’s Mortgage Loans.
- Actively Partnering with property agents to accelerate sale of foreclosed assets as-is.
- Collaborating with property agents to renovate foreclosed assets.
The result showed that despite the increase in foreclosed assets, the Bank remains financially sound, with key financial ratios within acceptable regulatory limits. AHP analysis revealed that alternative 1 stands in first place to be prioritized, followed by alternative 2, however between both alternatives indicates a very small difference in prioritization weight, which means that both strategies are important to be executed and prioritized. Proposal to implement both alternatives in parallel would be a very effective strategy, where alternative 1 conduct as Preventive Strategy in preventing customer’s mortgage loans defaults, while alternative 2 as Corrective Strategy in lowering foreclosed assets volume. Alternative 3 acts as a complement strategy, where renovating foreclosed assets could facilitate quicker sales, however it’ll take longer time for renovation itself.
Keywords :
Analytic hierarchy process, Decision making, Foreclosed Assets, Mortgage Loans, Strategy PrioritizationReferences :
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