Abstract :
The Integrated Referral System (Sisrute) is important in the referral system for patients who need emergency services. This study aims to determine the quality of the Sisrute IGD service at Bahteramas Hospital through qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The primary informants were 12, and the supporting informants were 6—determination of informants using non-probability and purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that the effectiveness of the Sisrute program has not been maximized because there are obstacles such as internet network problems, slow referral response time, and a lack of resources to manage the program. The security aspect of the Sisrute application is considered quite good because it is supervised by the State Cyber Agency (BSSN), which uses one password for one user. For Sisrute’s user admin personnel, there may still be insecurity flaws, such as accounts needing to be signed out after use or users giving their access accounts to other unauthorized parties. Regarding focusing on patients, Sisrute services are considered to have been implemented based on the conditions and needs of patients. The timeliness of Sisrute services is considered a waste of time when answering Sisrute.
Keywords :
Emergency Room at Bahteramas Hospital, Service Quality, SisruteReferences :
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